Interior Inspo with @taper_jean_girl

Today we are excited to be chatting to Sydney based lifestyle and interior stylist

and all round gorgeous individual Tahnee Carroll.

Hello Tahnee! You’re an interiors and lifestyle stylist. Can you tell us what exactly that means? 

Well to put it simply, I’m basically a glorified shopper/removalist, haha! But in fancy terms, my role is to create sets in which to style a brands product, I start by sourcing furnishings and accessories to create the perfect setting for those products, be it cushions or art or sofas and then we either build a set in a studio or create new sets at stunning locations. I get it all looking pretty, fluff some cushions, throw some throws and voila! ready for the photographer to snap away. 

Congrats on the arrival of baby Andy! Would a bundle of LOVE! What tips have you got on juggling baby days and your work?

She is the cutest! Totally changed my perspective on life. I’m very lucky that a lot of my work can be done from home so I've learnt to smash out as much as I can whilst she’s napping but its also VERY handy to have a man who works for himself! Daddy Daycare has been the only way we’ve been able to manage my crazy shooting schedule. 

Now you're into the kid-zone, would be your tips for styling nurseries, kids and teen rooms?

Number One: PLEASE USE SOME COLOUR!!! Children thrive in vibrant surroundings, not everything has to be beige people!! 
Number Two: Always include plants, in any room, not just kids rooms! They’re my go-to styling prop.
Number Three: Get the kiddies involved, have spaces where they can display what they love most, so they feel their room is an extension of their state of mind, not just Mummy’s style.

Was this a gig you have fallen into, or did you always dream of being a stylist and methodically set about achieving that goal?

I’ve always had a focus on homes, initially I wanted to be an Architect but then ended up doing Interior Design, after a fews years in that gig I felt it wasn’t quite for me, so I thought "why don’t I try styling" and started assisting some Australia’s best known stylist’s, fell in love with it and made my way up from there. Its been a very natural progression for me.

If you could turn back time, would one piece of advice would you give yourself when you were starting out? And what advice would you give teen-Tahnee?

Oh my god, probably “don’t take the first job you’re offered” and “know your worth!”

You’ve got an impressive catalogue of work so so many brands - what’s your career highlight to date?

Naaaawwww Thanks! Its such a hard one to answer, I’ve been so lucky to connect with clients who are just total legends and completely on my level and who just allow me to do my thing and have trust in me. So I guess being able to say that I’ve created imagery for emerging brands that has defined their whole aesthetic is such a wonderful feeling, brands like Koala and Cotton On Home. But then, also having my imagery featured on International Magazine covers has been pretty exciting too!

Do you have any bedtime rituals?

Having baby has kind of thrown any rituals I had out the window, so now my motto is, when Andy sleeps, I sleep, even if that means I go to sleep at 7.30pm haha!

Native Plantation Cotton Pillowcase 2P Set
Scorched Almond Velvet Quilt Cover
Native Plantation Cotton Flat Sheet